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Saturday, 9 June 2012

Nehru Report

BRIEF ACCOUNT In November 1927,the British Government appointed a statutory commission head by Sir John Simon to inquire into the constitutional affairs of the country.Since ,no Indian was present in this commission,the Indians did not welcome the Simon Commission.When the members of this commission were talking about the political situation of India, the Congress called on all parties conference in Bombay on May 19,1928.The Muslim League boycotted this conference.The all parties conference appointed a committee headed by Pandit Moti Lal Nehru to submit a report after considering the principles of a constitution for India.The committee recommended a proposal generally known as “Nehru Report”.
The main points of Nehru Report are as fellows:
1.The Nehru committee demanded repudiation of separate elections.
2.It demanded the Form of Government at the center would be Federal with substantial powers invested in the control of Government.
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4.It recommended the one-third Muslim representation at the central legislative.
5.The committee demanded interdiction of reforming Baluchistan and N.W.F.P provinces.
6.The foreign affairs,defense and army should be placed under the control of parliament and viceroy.
7.Unitary form of the Government to establish in the center.
8.Hindi should be the official language.
1.Nehru’s Recommendations were aginst the intrest of the Muslim Community.
2.The Muslims could not surrender their right to separate eloctorates.
3.The principles of non-reservation and joint electorates were to make their position in Punjab and Bengal provinces.
The Nehru Report projected the Hindu leadership mentality ailed at the digestion of the Muslim nation under the cover of one nation in the India-Pakistan Sub Continent.
Since the report was totally against the Muslims,therefore,Muslim league and and other Muslim parties of the country rejected it.Quaid-e-Azam said:
“As a young man he had been a keen owner of grey hounds,but he had never grey hounds deal with hare as the Hindus proposed to deal with the Muslims.”

Thus,the Nehru Report reflected the hostility,mental level and attitude of the Hindus towards the Muslims of India.All its proposals were made disregarding the intrests of the Muslims.

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